Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Favorite Sites To Earn Money

I often come across sites that will pay you for taking surveys, looking through e-mails, etc and of course, there are the regular old standby's like Ebay and Etsy (if you're crafty).

Some of my favorites:
  • - I generally only take the surveys that offer money incentives, otherwise all are you can do is try to win one of the grand prizes they offer (generally money) but I've never been lucky with sweepstakes sort of things, so I generally pass on surveys that only let you enter the sweepstakes. This gets sent in check form or you can donate to a charity.
  • - I actually just signed up for this one after reading about it over at Tiara Saves and I've already made $3.41 - though it won't be deposited into my paypal account for a week or a few days, I believe. Not sure how it works exactly, but I'm willing to give it a chance.
  • Ebates. Now you do have to buy stuff to get the percent back (and they only pay once a quarter, but so far it's been worth it. No fees and free cash back on things that I was going to buy anyway. The options for payment includes paypal or a check.
  • Blingo Blingo is another search engine that randomly gives out prizes. I only use Blingo and even the money/gifts are randomly selected, I've won 8 times in the past few years.
  • Swag Bucks. This is similar to Blingo but has other options to earn enough points for the prizes and you are almost guarenteed something unlike Blingo where you have to get lucky. I usually alternate.


Marla said...
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Marla said...

*blush* You already listed Swagbucks. Sorry! You can delete my comment if you want. ;) Best wishes!