Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm back to being a busy bee - I didn't make it very well known on the internet, but I resigned from my very high stress 50 hour job (not including the 2 hour a day commute!) in December and just recently started working again. Granted, I'm only supposed to be working 30 hours per week (full time), but I can pick up hours at other "sister" communities (I also have no commute which is wonderful and frugal to boot). I have also taken on another part-time job, though it won't start till April. Between the full-time job and wedding planning, I have been lacking in time for both food shopping and keeping up this blog. Sorry! Tomorrow I am off and in between lots of other chores, I'll be looking through the ads, food shopping (including doing the last round of the Chill Out promotion at Safeway) and hopefully cleaning the kitchen!

Anyway, I made it to CVS before working 12-5 on Sunday to pick up the freebie this week and I think I'm going to go back tomorrow for some tampons (very exciting, I know).

$3.49 Crest Pro Health mouth wash
- $1.00/1 Crest
= $2.49 OOP

Received $3.49 back for the Crest deal.

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