Friday, June 12, 2009

Shopping This Week

So behind in the blogging world. Thanks to something resembling a sinus infection and a general thought that grass pollen is evil (my grad school class also started and my husband recently got me addicted to Harry Potter). It appears I am super allergic.

Anyway, Sunday my husband and I went to Shoppers for the coke + Hillshire Farm deal (buy 4 12-packs for $12 get 2 packages of Hillshire Farms deli meat free).

We also got milk and eggs (and a couple other items) and paid $17.03.

Then on Wednesday (the 10th) I stumbled across 50% off Glad trash bags at Giant and we needed bread too. I bought 80 trash bags and a loaf of bread and paid $6.79.

And then yesterday my husband (bless his heart - I was near passed out on the couch) bought milk for $3.00 at Safeway.

Tomorrow there is a Hot Dog Event at work and the husband is going to a conference (thankfully in state) from Sunday-Wednesday so we won't be needing lots of groceries this coming week.

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